Friday, September 2, 2011

A walk on the beach

One of the classes I had last semester was a lighting class.   I certainly learned a lot and in some ways I am now cursed.   I am cursed because now not only do I immediately start evaluating the elements of design used in space I also immediately look at the lighting.  That ole brain of mine never stops working. 

I have always known that lighting can make or break a space and because of that it always intimidated me in terms of planning my room.  But now I am more informed and although I still have more to learn I definitely can figure out how much and what type of light is needed in a room.  I also know the difference between Kelvins and wattage or CRI and lumens ...... strange terms to be sure.    It was all like a foreign language to me but by the end of the semester I could walk into any lighting showroom and at least have an intelligent conversation. 

For the final project in this lighting class we had to develop a lighting plan for an entire house.   It was crazy fun because I really felt like I was actually designing.   The final project was made in a power point presentation to the class as though they were the client and I also presented to them a drafted lighting plan with binder that included all the lights, locations and of course all the specs.  That meant a separate sheet for every single light I had chosen for the house.   I had know idea at the beginning of the assignment how time consuming this was going to be nor did I realize the quantity of lights you need for an entire house.    Needless to say the submitted binder was big and included over 40 different lights I had chosen for the entire residence.   But like I said it was fun, fun, fun!!!

As with any good design it all started with a concept and I love to look to nature for inspiration.  So I looked to nature and chose a concept  "A walk on the beach".   I wanted the lighting in the house to evoke the feeling of a walk on the beach.   I chose to think of the different types of light you would see during the course of a day at the beach and to evoke that mood throughout the house.  

In the power point presentation I only had four slides but each slide presented a clear concept and a few examples of the actual light chosen.  

Wouldn't you like the lighting in your home to evoke the feeling of 
"A walk on the beach"


Donna said...

What a great post Debbie! I really like these colors! If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you'll notice that I talk about coastal colors, beach glass and those warm amber colors. Love them!

Your point about lighting is so crucial. It's the #1 element that has to be considered ALWAYS. It's still surprises me when I choose color for a client for one room than walk into another and the color looks so very different. It's because of the lighting. I always ask if the client is keeping the lighting or plans to change it out if I think it's really causing havoc in a room.

Fantastic lesson learned in lighting and I love those design boards.

Donna said...

ps - I forgot to mention that one of my clients has that same chandelier. It's very colorful!