Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 24 of 31 days of prepping for the Holidays - It is confirmed

This weekend was spent enjoying a visit from my daughter along with some serious wine research.

It was a great weekend and a much needed break.
But yikes as I look at the calendar and realize that there is only one week left in the month 
I have serious doubts if I will be able to finish all that was intended.

The paint debacle has really thrown a kink in the works and today I needed to take the wrong paint back to the store and figure out how it was going to be resolved.

First of all
it has been confirmed
I am not
Because let me tell you I was really thinking I had lost it because of the paint. 

And thank god I have enough sense not to video these events because somehow someway I think that video might have ended up on the news and someone would be saying
"Film at eleven"
and my children would promptly change their last names.
Oh yeah.....the reason I am 
 is because the paint store confirmed that indeed the paint had been mixed wrong.
The very day I purchased the paint their machine was evidently not dropping enough 
red into the paint.
(Hence the reason for that yucky icky green undertone.)
It is a computerized system which has to be calibrated correctly and if not.....you end up with a 

I wonder sometimes why am I the lucky one to have 
weird things like this happen.....
a little too often!!

The paint store did the best they could and ended up crediting me 4 cans of paint or the equivalent of about $225.00.

Now if I could find a painter that would take the job for $225.00 all would be right in the world.
So to be on the safe side I had the paint store make up only one can of the paint.

Now I really intended to start painting today
I am afraid to open that can of paint.

So all day long that paint can sat on the floor and I just looked at it.   

I wonder if I will be brave enough to open the can of paint tomorrow?

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