Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday Wowzers - Halloween Ideas

Ok so it Wednesday Wowzers!

In case you don't know I love Halloween.

One of my favorite things to do for Halloween is to set a tablescape that is fun and creative.

Here are some of my favorites
Image Credit

To create a Halloween Tablescape look for the following items which you can pick up inexpensively

1. Black candles

2. White Sheets ( I am sure you have some of those in you linen closet)

3. A few bags of Halloween spider webs.

4. Black and Silver glitter

5.  Black, white and orange ribbons

6. Black, white or orange baskets

Some advice is find a picture of a tablescape you like and use it for inspiration.  Put your own personal touch into it and don't be afraid to
things up.

More is better and the key is layering.  

Woo Hoo!!  

Halloween is in 12 days.

Set that table and get your costume together and then email your pictures so I can post and share!!

Here is a picture from the days I worked in the corporate world.   As you can see I really get into the 

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I used to LOVE those Halloween parties you guys had!!!