Friday, November 4, 2011

@noreplycomment.....WHAT THE HECK????

 Do you ever just talk to yourself?

Sometimes writing a blog is like that.  I write and write and write and I hear nothing except the clicking of the keys on the keyboard.


I know my blog is getting read by the number of hits and page views....
but I couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting very many comments.

Of course that was until today.  
I have a friend who had stated she had sent me numerous comments and was feeling sad because I haven't replied.   

Now this friend...and she knows who she is...isn't the most tech savvy person so I just assumed they were probably in her email drafts and she wouldn't even know that. 
She of course knows I say that with love and affection!!
But today I decided I better figure this out.  
Now I am not by any stretch a tech savvy person......but what I do have is some 
and I am
which helps a lot.

I also have always figured that I am not going to break something and if I screw it up it can always be fixed or undone.  So with that no fear attitude I have stumbled my way through setting up a blog, a website, posting, editing, tweeting, html codes, widgets, stats, rss, feedburner, xml, badges and a host of other things I really have no clue on how it works....but I just somehow stumble my way through it and 
somehow magically there is a blog that I write that gets published and have a website that somehow is active.

But alas I am not perfect (who would have thought) and evidently somewhere along the line I have 
made a mistake
So here is the scoop......for some reason my comment emails were going to some funky address labeled something to that effect.

So first off let me
to everyone who may have been leaving comments and did not get them acknowledged by me.  I believe I have fixed the issue but what I still am having a problem with is when I receive a comment ..... I can't respond directly to you because it says your reply email address is also @noreplycomment......

What the heck????

So until I figure this out.....the only way I can reply is by leaving a comment on my blog and then of course you won't know I have replied unless you read the comments.....
okay that is nutty and I have to get it fixed.

So I will try to fix this issue.

Also for those of you who are getting the blog in your email and reading it in the email.   Here is a little secret if you click on the title of the blog in the email

or the title of the post for example the one that was titled

this takes you to my website and then you can read the blog in its most

form....and well you know how I like pretty. 


(I mean this kitchen defines PRETTY pretty nicely......don't you think?)

So I have some work to do in order to fix some of these issues
Also in case  you were still wondering.....
I am still

And I am getting 
  good at it too....hahaha!!
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chrismazzucco said...

What a beautiful kitchen ~ looks like a greenhouse for people!

Unknown said...

I understand. There's so much I don't know about all this blogging stuff. I wish I had a little bird on my shoulder that could just sit there and watch and tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I could be doing that would work better! Way to stick it out and keep trying though. That's what we're all doing!

Deb's mind said...

Hi Chris, Thanks for commenting. That is one stunning kitchen. Never thought of it as a greenhouse for people ... but yes what a great description. xoxoxo

Deb's mind said...

Hi Carla,
Yes it is sort of like blogging by the seat of our pants....not a thing designers typically like to do. We want everything planned out to the last detail. Maybe we should form a group that gets together and blogs about all the things we don't understand about blogging.