Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Every time I hear the word "Anticipation"  I get a visual image of a dusty old 8 track and the voice of Carly Simon blaring out of my cheap speakers....ahhhh 1972 ....where the hell does time go????  So all summer long that is what I have been singing in my head....trust me Carly I used to listen to nothing but you...but please give me a break already. 
Cover of Cover of Anticipation
So my summer is winding down and my life is about to change.  I look in the mirror in the morning and ask the face staring back at me....Are you ready?   The fuzzy face staring back at me reaches for her progressive lenses and slips them on her face and answers "Hell Yes"...and the real world comes into focus. So what exactly am I ready for??   That would be a dream come true...and a long time coming.   Interior Design school is something I have thought about for over twenty years.  But life has a way of charting its own course ....and it was a great course.  I have four great kids all grown and making their way in the world.  I have a loving nurturing sexy husband.   My life is great....my life is spectacular.  But I knew I still had unfinished business.  Design business that is.....so off to design school I go.

My classes begin in less than 3 weeks and to say I am a little excited is putting it mildly.  Truth be told since I am a bit of an overachiever and a bit of a dork  I went and picked up most of my books over 6 months ago.  I have been reading them off and on over the last 6 months.  Geez........I hope I pass the first quiz..  


Laura Livengood said...

Congratulations on your new blog and on Design School! I know you've been itching to do this for a long time, I'm excited for you! Do keep us posted, won't you? (Am I first??!!)

Ruby said...

Congrats on the blog, design school and best of luck on everything ahead of you!

chris said...

Hey...You made my day!! You did it, congratulations. Yours will be the first blog that I actually "follow". Now I must ask, will you really be attending class from sunup to sundown? Or have you amended that schedule.


Congrats on the launch of your blog - but even more congrats to you on your new endeavour of attending design school! Good luck to you - enJOY - and be a SPONGE and absorb it ALL!!

:D Lynda