Thursday, August 12, 2010

Books, Books and more Books and a few art kits too

And about those books...... I am taking 16 units and while I am not surprised.....that equates to a lot of books.   In addition to the books there are three art kits.  I just think the art kits are so amazing.....and yes I will confess I picked up two of my three kits over six months ago too!    I have pillaged them.   I just had to touch everything in my kits.  I tried out the pencils, the french curve, the T square, the triangle and the colored pencils and more.
An assortment of colored pencils
I only needed four more books and an art kit to complete my book requirements so yesterday off to school I went to pick up the balance of my books.  As I entered the bookstore a very nice bright pink haired young girl asked me  " Ma'am......can I help you?"   
This is a fairly good representation.
Although I am used to being called "Ma'am"  these still gives me a little jolt.  I unfortunately....or maybe it is fortunately can't remember exactly when I crossed over into the "Ma'am" world.......but it sort of  DEFINITELY sucks.  But it is what it is.   I gave her a list and she looked at me and said  "Wow....Are you getting these for your daughter?....that is so nice".   I think stuff like this is going to happen a lot.  But I just smiled and said "Nope there for me".........she gave me a very pleasant smile back and a big  "Oh".  At any rate she was very helpful and I was out of there in no time and back on the road to home.  My husband was so kind to drive me which of course allowed me to peruse all the books on my way home. 
I spent the evening scouring through the books and these two are going to be my favorites.

Today  I decided to take inventory and put everything out on my dining room table. That is when I realized......Holy Moly...this is a lot of stuff and I still have one art kit to obtain that is filled with all those really cool Prismacolor markers and who knows what else.  So at the moment this is what my dining room table looks like. .

So tonight while I am sleeping I know I will be dreaming about some sort of really stylish satchel or book bag  to carry everything in.     Hmmmm............and I know of a Coach outlet real close. 


Anonymous said...

Oh, Deb! You are going to have SO MUCH FUN in school! I love your blog! Can't wait to read many, many, many more installments! ~Sals

Anonymous said...

very, very funny!