Sunday, August 29, 2010

The colors of Colorado

Colorado was everything I had hoped for and more.  It was a fantastic last trip of summer and actually a good way for me to get my mind design ready.  Colorado is of course full of amazing scenery. Colorado is full of contradictions and everywhere you look it is full of the most amazing color.
Ok excuse the cliche but the spacious sky was an amazing blue.
Big Country Blue - Benjamin Moore

The majestic mountains really did appear purple at times and yes the vast open prairies were amber.
And of course that Colorado red is everywhere.
Amber Waves  - Benjamin Moore
Purple Haze - Benjamin Moore
Red Rock - Benjamin Moore

Garden of the Gods
Majestic Violet - Benjamin Moore

Rock Gray - Benjamin Moore
Colorado Gray - Benjamin Moore

On the first night my husband Jeff and I stayed in Colorado Springs and witnessed one of the biggest thunder and lightning storms we have ever seen.  I wished I would have taken pictures but have you ever tried to catch lighting with a camera.....that is no small feat.
So this is a picture of the Colorado Skies during a lighting storm from flickr.

The sky was stone gray, greenish gray and twilight blue.  Truly amazing colors.
Clouds of Light. Lightning Striking Boulder Co...Image by striking_photography via Flickr
Durango - Benjamin Moore
Black Forest Green - Benjamin Moore
Twilight - Benjamin Moore
The lobby of our hotel was full of amazing colors too. 

The next morning we went  to Pikes Peak.   If you have never been to 14,110 feet well let's just say it is breathtaking..........I mean takes your breath away.    The air is so thin at 14,110 feet that after about 15 minutes at the summit most people start feeling the effects......and Jeff and I were no exception.  I wasn't surprised that I was dizzy ......I mean have you met my husband........yep he still takes my breath away and makes me dizzy.  But the cause this time was totally the altitude.  However I was surprised that Jeff was also dizzy and no it wasn't me that made him dizzy this morning.........(hee hee) .....  
It  was a very romantic little trip.   
The weather was not the best up at Pikes Peak so we didn't get a view of the valley below.....but we can say we were at 14,110 feet. 
This was some of the scenery on the way up.....and also along the way on the many roads we traveled. ...seriously check out those amazing colors.

Color and inspiration is everywhere no matter where you are.
Sometimes you just have to pause for a minute and look.
So tomorrow is the first day of school and I think Colorado and her colors were the perfect prep for what I am sure is going to be one of my favorite classes called Color Theory.  It also happens to be my very  first class
I feel like a Kindergartner.
I hope she lets us color. 


Unknown said...

I got a little chuckle from your parting line. That's my Deb, a youngster at heart. I am so looking forward to your sharing with us during this new chapter in your life.

Anonymous said...

So glad you enjoyed your trip! These colors and beautiful (as are the photos of course)!


Steph said...

WOW !!! That,s about the only word that sums up my reaction. Colorado always takes my breadth away. It isn't any wonder that Mom and Gramp had to go there once or
twice a Year. Wow . . .

Good luck at school! Another adventure...

tbaoo said...

great shots and romance - goodness !! good to see.

Cynthia's Botanical Arts said...

I got such a kick out of your photos and colors of Colorado. Having lived here for so long, I have a tendency to 'take it for granted". Thanks for your 'fresh eyes' and color notes. ...And Good luck with your new adventure....Love it!!

Cynthia's Botanical Arts said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog. I always appreciate comments. I will be checking in on your blog.... looking forward to design ideas.

David Lujan Jr. said...

DEB!!!! I'm so glad you had an awesome trip! I LOVE YOUR BLOGS!!! Colorado is BEAUTIFUL! I have never been! But Pat has, we plan to go together one day, as for we have a friend who lives there! Nonetheless, I like looking at the world from your eyes.... it just seems much more vibrant & colorful! God made Mother Nature the best art teacher... & you, her student!

David Lujan Jr. said...
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